The Southeast MAP Club



  • Up to 25% off retail prices of the Coature and Vanity Series lines of products.
  • ISLE OF DOGS silver grooming apron.
  • Free Puppy Kits to send home with your puppies.
  • MAP-only promotions and kits.
  • Special on-line purchasing privileges and pricing.


KeeshondJoin the Southeast MAP Club by adding your membership to your cart (below), at the ISLE OF DOGS Connecticut/Southeast booth at a dog show, or by contacting your Southeast  Distributor (Click Here).


The MAP Membership price is $30 per year (which typically pays for itself with your first order).  You are eligible for all Southeast MAP privileges as soon as your payment is received.  If your are only purchasing the Southeast MAP Membership, the shipping cost will be discounted prior to processing. The Southeast MAP Club membership is ONLY VALID FOR PURCHASES MADE WITH THE IODOGSGA/SOUTHEAST DISTRIBUTOR. It will not be accepted by other distributors or the main company.

Southeast MAP Membership or Renewal

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